See where Victorian era parishioners worshiped, in this Victorian Era Churches in Downtown Springfield Second Saturday Walking Tour, led by Bob McCarroll, board member and officer-at-large.
The tour departs from the Springfield Museums Welcome Center and will stop at:
We will enter at least three churches, barring weddings or church services.
The tour is $5 for Springfield Preservation Trust and Springfield Museums members, and is $10 for non-members, payable in advance on Eventbrite, or in cash or check at the outset of the tour.
The Second Saturday Walking Tour series is co-presented by the Springfield Preservation Trust and Springfield Museums, and generously sponsored by the Daboul Family Charitable Trust.
About the Springfield Preservation Trust
Founded in 1972, the Springfield Preservation Trust strives to preserve, protect, and promote properties in Springfield that have architectural or historic significance. As the only non-profit, non-government advocacy group for historic preservation in Springfield, the Trust will continue to be the voice of preservation into the future. To learn more, visit its website at