Earth Day

The 50th anniversary of Earth Day happens on Wednesday and even in the midst of a global pandemic, there are still ways to mark the occasion in Western Mass.

blog earth day hiking

1. Get Outdoors -

Walk, hike, bike or run. Take care of the environment and leave the car at home. Breathe the fresh air or even set up a campground in your own backyard.

blog earth day plant

2. Plant Something -

Many local garden centers are open including Randall’s Farm and Atkins Farms. Stop by, follow social distancing guidelines and pick up some annuals to brighten up the yard. Maybe even plant a tree!

blog earth day cleanup

3. Clean Up -

Take a neighborhood stroll with a trash bag and gloves. Then clean up debris you find along the way.

blog earth day upcycling

4. Upcycle –

Make a craft using a household item that you’d ordinarily throw away. How about a making bird feeder from a paper towel tube and birdseed? Or a mask from a cotton tee shirt?

blog earth day scavenger

5. Scavenger Hunt –

Take the family on an adventure to identify plants, trees and birds indigenous to Western Mass. Make it educational and do some research in advance.

blog earth day skinner mt

6. Enjoy the View –

Hike Skinner Mountain in Hadley where you can socially distance on one of 40 trails. Check out the view of Western Mass in bloom from the Summit House.

blog earth day rail trail

7. Hit the Trail –

Western Mass has a few Rail Trails to choose from so grab your bike and use some good ole pedal power with no emissions to support Earth Day.
Check out the trails here.

There are still plenty of ways to do your part and celebrate Earth Day’s 50th Anniversary. There’s also that added benefit of getting away from it all and enjoying the beauty of Western Mass.

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