Drop in for a guided tour of our latest special exhibition, Connecticut’s Bookshelf. Connecticut is the birthplace of comic books, copyright law, Noah Webster, and the recipe for pumpkin pie. It printed the first fugitive slave narrative, sold millions of dollars of books by subscription, and inspired children’s sections in libraries nationwide. From the 1700s to today, Connecticut has been compiling its bookshelf, one sermon, ledger, map, schoolbook, law, psalm, newspaper, and book at a time. Connecticut’s Bookshelf explores how these documents were made, shared, and received, and asks you to consider: What belongs on the shelf? And who gets to decide?
Tours are included with museum admission. No pre-registration required!
If you’re interested in arranging a private tour of the exhibition for your book club, community center, or other group, contact Adult Programs Manager Natalie Belanger, [email protected].